Table of Contents

September 2011

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Fixed Prosthodonitcs: Time to Change the Status Quo?
Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD, and Paul L. Child Jr, DMD, CDT, discuss why clinicians should consider evaluating their practice for the possible incorporation of digital concepts in their clinical fixed prosthodontic techniques.

Light Up Your Practice
Louis Malcmacher, DDS, presents a series of short case reports that demonstrate the latest intra- and extraoral uses for laser technology in dentistry.

Intention of Prevention: Understanding the Practical and Predictable Options
Deborah Dopson Hartley, RDH, discusses issues dealing with prevention techniques and materials as well as the intentions for clinical treatment.

Hygiene Update:

Effects of Silver Diamine Fluoride

Scaling and Root Planing With Different Irrigation Solutions

Alendronate Gel and Chronic Periodontitis

Product Focus:

Fluoride Varnish

Increasing Efficiency and Accuracy With Digital Technology
George F. Warga, DDS, presents a case report dealing with an application of digital scanning technology in a complex restorative situation.

Rejuvenation Via Biologically-Guided Technology
Robert P. McBride, DDS, demonstrates a conservative solution to a patient’s orofacial problems through a stepwise application of bioesthetic principles in treatment planning and techniques.

Ultrasonics in Endodontics: Luxury or Necessity?
Gary Glassman, DDS, and Sam Kratchman, DMD, discuss the growing use of ultrasonics in endodontics.

Customizing Your Career and Restorations
Sherri White, RDA, discusses the role that dental assistants can play in the utilization of chairside CAD/CAM technology in the dental practice.

Stabilizing and Securing an RPD With a Single Implant
Douglas H. Mahn, DDS, demonstrates how an implant overdenture abutment provides adequate retention for a unilateral distal extension of an RPD and eliminates the need for an unaesthetic anterior clasp.

Technology Makes a Complicated Implant Restoration Simple
Timothy Kosinski, DDS, discusses how technology can make a comprehensive implant-restorative case easier to accomplish.

A Conservative Treatment Option for Tetracycline Staining
Daniel E. Wilson, DDS; Thomas G. Berry, DDS; and Ana Elashvili, DDS, MS; emphasize the need to limit treatment to accommodate some patients’ budgets while improving such aesthetic dilemmas as severely tetracycline stained teeth.

Gene Combination Risk Factor in Dental Implants

No Air Required

Dental Bib Chains Become an Infection Control Issue

Mechanism of Bacterial Endocarditis Discovered

Efficacy of Oral Appliance Therapy for Snoring and Sleep Apnea Quantified