Industry News

SmileDirectClub Joins Emergency Supply Manufacturing Efforts

SmileDirectClub has opened its 3-D printing manufacturing facility to partner with medical supply companies and health organizations to increase production of products necessary to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the company reports.

According to SmileDirectClub, it is actively seeking communication and partnerships with medical supply companies and health organizations that need additional production of plastic materials such as medical face shields, respirator valves, or other supplies. 

SmileDirectClub urges medical supply companies and health organizations to contact it directly at resilience@smiledirectclub.comto determine if it can be of assistance.

Specifically, SmileDirectClub can print materials using STL 3-D printing files. Once these files are provided, SmileDirectClub says, it can quickly offer manufacturing capacity.

Also, SmileDirectClub says, it has a global HIPAA-trained contact center team and support system to assist in health aid efforts.

“In times like these, it is incumbent on all of us to do what we can to help those in need however we can,” said SmileDirectClub chief executive officer David Katzman.

“Reports of medical supply shortages are very concerning, and we have the production capacity to help in the printing of plastic materials,” Katzman said.

“Due to recent automations that increased our printing output capacity, we’re able to easily add this production to our current clear aligner therapy lines. We urge any company or health organization that could use additional production resources to reach out to us directly,” Katzman said.

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