I wouldn’t go to a dog show with my boss—even if he’d win!” Yes, that’s what one staff member had to say when I asked several of them if their doctor takes his staff out of town for any fun seminar/vacation trips. I often write and lecture about the tremendous benefits that can be gained by treating your staff to a great weekend at a nice vacation site while attending courses that will help improve your practice. But, I didn’t quite expect to hear a response like that.
do the above, they’ll be constantly hitting you up for another trip. Everyone wins!
Dr. Steven has been a full-time practicing dentist in Wichita, Kan, since 1978. He is a member of the ADA and the Kansas Dental Association, and is the current president of the Mid-America Dental Study Club. He is also president of KISCO, a dental products marketing company, providing “new ideas for dentistry” to dental offices, and is the editor of the KISCO Perspective newsletter. Dr. Steven, along with Dr. Mark Troilo, presents the KISCO Seminar’s “The $1,000,000 Staff” presentation to dental offices and organizations across the country. Dr. Steven also presents a 1-day seminar called “Efficient-dontics.” You can reach him at (800) 325-8649;e-mail him at joekisco@southwind.net; or visit his website at www.KISCODental.com.