Direct-bonded anterior composite systems available today allow dentists to create the illusion of tooth structure and provide patients with conservative, beautiful restorations. One of the recent “new” categories of composites is the microhybrid composite resin. There are a number of improvements of composites in this category that make microhybrid composites an excellent choice for aesthetically restoring teeth. These materials are basically hybrid composites in composition. Therefore, they have excellent strength characteristics.1-3 Although microhybrids are similar to hybrids, they differ in their particle size. Whereas hybrids are generally 1.0 to 3.0 µm in average particle size, microhybrids are on average 0.4 µm in particle size. This reduction in particle size enhances polishability.1-4 Furthermore, the new microhybrids are being designed to have shades outside of the traditional Vita shade range. These new microhybrid systems are available in not only body (dentin) shades, but they also have numerous translucent and opaque shades. This allows the dentist to recreate tooth structure in a manner that is similar to how a ceramist creates a crown or veneer in porcelain.1-3
A 32-year-old male presented with a chipped incisal edge on tooth No. 9 (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. A fractured incisal edge on tooth No. 9. |
Figure 2. Three different shades of a microhybrid composite are used to restore tooth No. 9.
A 15-year-old patient presented after completion of orthodontic therapy (Figure 3). The patient and parents requested to have the diastema between teeth Nos. 8 and 9 closed.
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Figure 3. A young patient would like to aesthetically enhance her smile.
Figure 4. Minimal preparations can be used when restoring teeth with composite.
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Figure 5. A “lingual shelf” is created using an opaque shade of a microhybrid composite.
Figure 6. A final layer of translucent microhybrid composite will help to create lifelike vitality.
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Figure 7. The 6-month postoperative photograph demonstrates the ability of microhybrid composites to create lifelike restorations.
Figure 8. Upon completion of orthodontics, a young patient wishes to close the diastema distal to tooth No. 10.
The patient and parent were advised of the clinical findings. Two treatment options were given. The first option was to use composite and direct bond the mesial aspects of teeth Nos. 8 and 9. The second option was to conservatively place direct-bonded veneers on teeth Nos. 7 through 10 to create a more ideally proportioned smile. Option 1 was certainly the most conservative option. However, by only closing the diastema, the central incisors, which were already too wide, would become even wider. This would result in the visual exaggeration of the appearance of the central incisors.
miting depth cutting bur (No. 828-022, Axis), the facial surfaces of teeth Nos. 7 through 10 were uniformly reduced 0.3 mm. Additionally, it was necessary to open the proximal contacts between the central and lateral incisors. This would allow for the placement of composite on the mesial of the lateral incisors to achieve a wider, more proportionate tooth. Figure 4 shows the final conservative preparations.
A 14-year-old patient was referred by her orthodontist upon completion of her orthodontic treatment. Tooth No. 10 was proportionally narrow (Figure 8). The orthodontist and I agreed to leave the diastema distal to tooth No. 10 in order to maintain proper canine and first molar relationships.
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Figure 9. Following laser gingivectomy, tooth No. 10 is prepared for a direct composite veneer using a minimal preparation design.
Figure 10. A silicone putty matrix assists with the placement of the opaque composite.
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Figure 11. A final layer of translucent composite is placed.
Figure 12. At the 3-month recall, an improved smile can be seen.
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Figure 13. A 20-year-old patient would like to enhance her smile.
Figure 14. Very conservative preparations are used to perform the direct-bonded procedure.
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Figure 15. An opaque microhybrid composite is used to lengthen the incisal edge of tooth No. 10.
Figure 16. At the postoperative appointment, an improved smile is noted.
Although it would be possible to restore tooth No. 10 with a full-coverage crown or porcelain veneer, by using microhybrid composites it would be possible to aesthetically restore that tooth with minimal loss of tooth structure. Also, using direct composite would allow the dentist to have complete control of the color and contour as well as the ability to complete the case in one visit.
) that was used to mimic the lingual enamel and block out the dark color from the back of the mouth (Figure 10). The putty matrix not only helped to create the proper width and length of the restoration, it served as a stable surface for the placement of the composite.
A 20-year-old patient inquired about how she could improve her smile. Tooth No. 8 had been bonded, and she was not happy with the results of take-home bleaching (Figure 13).
The aforementioned cases demonstrate how direct bonded anterior restorations can be used in elective cases. However, the same techniques can be used for conventional restorative dentistry as well.
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Figure 17. Tooth No. 7 has a failing, old composite resin.
Figure 18. The final preparation design.
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Figure 19. A putty matrix is used to assist with the placement of the opaque composite.
Figure 20. The immediate postoperative photograph shows the lifelike restored tooth.
These cases have highlighted the aesthetic capabilities of the new microhybrid composites when restoring teeth. It should be noted that the excellent physical and aesthetic properties of these composites make them an appropriate material choice for restoration of posterior teeth as well.
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Dr. Radz practices in Denver. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry and has completed both AEGD and GPR residency programs. In the last 8 years, he has lectured extensively and has published more than 80 articles focusing on aesthetic materials and techniques. He recently served as the chairman of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s 2003 Annual Scientific meeting. He can be contacted at