Allergy to Denture Cleansers


The FDA has received 73 reports of allergic reactions linked to denture cleansers, including at least one death. The most likely cause is a denture cleanser ingredient called persulfate, which is used in most denture cleansers as part of the cleaning and bleaching process. The FDA is asking manufacturers of denture cleansers to change product labels to clarify that these products are designed to clean dentures in a container, not in the mouth, and to consider using alternatives to persulfate. Denture cleansers should never be chewed, swallowed, or gargled, and the cleanser should be thoroughly rinsed from dental appliances before they are placed back in the mouth. Possible signs of allergic reaction may include irritation, tissue damage, rash, hives, gum tenderness, breathing problems, and low blood pressure (hypotension). Reactions may not occur immediately. It is recommended that if symptoms occur, dentures should be removed, and the prescribing dentist should be contacted and asked about alternative methods for cleaning dentures. Some of the reported allergic reactions happened when patients misused denture cleansers by gargling with or swallowing the products, which caused abdominal pain, vomiting, seizures, hypotension, and difficulty breathing. However, the FDA notes that allergic reactions can also occur with proper use of the products. Allergic reactions to persulfate may begin right away or after many years of use and may worsen with repeated use of the products. People at risk are those who are allergic to persulfate and those who can’t read or understand product labels, notes the FDA.

(Source: WebMD Medical News, Oral Health Center, February 26, 2008)