If you have ever been hit by a computer virus, trojan, or worm, then you know how the Wicked Witch of the East felt when the house fell on her. It can be an emotional, expensive, and frustrating experience. I hope that you learn something from this article that helps you avoid these pests. You warn your patients that if they don’t brush and floss daily, they will have problems. Why not apply this to your computer network as well?
A virus is a software program that is written to change the way your computer operates and to use the computer it infects to spread the virus around the Internet. A virus will run if a user executes the program; it won’t run on its own. The most common way that a virus spreads today is through e-mail attachments.
Most antivirus programs will detect worms as well as viruses. They also will detect some trojans, but you should use additional software to protect against trojans.
e. Trojans can also keep track of where you go on the Internet and send this information along to a Web site.
I am sure that some of you are saying to yourself, “Why do I need to go through all this hassle? We have had our PCs for 2 years and never once have we updated them, and nothing has happened.” I hope that you have not had a car accident or been sick in the last 2 years as well. If that is the case, cancel your health insurance and your auto insurance. You are on a roll and you may want to play the lottery. I know this is a bit over the top, but I want to make sure that you take some basic precautions to protect your business data. If you don’t think PCs are important to your practice, then turn them off and unplug them. This will give you an opportunity to see how your practice will run if they are hit with a virus, trojan, or worm that takes them all down.
Mr. Walsh is the owner of NDM Networks in Marlborough, Mass. NDM Networks provides computer and networking services to dental practices and small businesses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He can be reached at dwalsh@ndmnetworks.com or at (508) 624-9898.