Tooth Eruption Accelerated in Children With Diabetes


Mention diabetes and oral health, and the first thing that comes to mind is gum disease. People with diabetes are at increased risk of chronic periodontitis. But there is another possible oral manifestation. Children with diabetes who are shedding their deciduous teeth seem to get their permanent teeth sooner than other children. This little-investigated observation is worth further study. Aberrations in tooth eruption can lead to a series of complications such as malocclusion and crowding, and therefore difficulty in maintaining good oral hygiene as well as an increased risk of decay and gum disease. At the same time, more definitive data might help doctors diagnose childhood diabetes. In the May 2008 issue of the journal Pediatrics, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) grantees produce some of the best data available to date. In a study of 590 children ages 6 to 18, they found that those with diabetes had accelerated tooth eruption in the late mixed-dentition period. The mixed-dentition period occurs between the ages of 6 and 14 years, when children have a mix of deciduous and permanent teeth. The scientists noted no differences during the early stages of tooth eruption in the 2 groups. But significantly, they noticed an accelerated eruption of clinically visible tooth crowns in the children with diabetes. Focusing on the still poorly defined biology of tooth eruption, the scientists noted, “These findings suggest a dual complement of mechanisms influencing the intra- and extra-alveolar phases of eruption, the latter being modified in diabetes.” They added, “Whereas the intra-alveolar phase of eruption is shown to be primarily governed by molecular signals generated by the dental follicle proper, extra-alveolar eruption seems to depend more on root development and bone apposition in the apical region of the erupting tooth.”

(Source: Science News in Brief, NIDCR, June 11, 2008)