July 2007 Dentistry Today’s 21st Annual Top 100 New Products, selected on the basis of reader response, represent whatís new and innovative in the profession today. The products appear in no particular order. |
Axis Dental-Carbide Bur
DENTSPLY Caulk–Temporary Cement
Kerr-Self-etch Bonding System
Ultradent Products-Take-home Whitening Gel
Pentron Clinical-Nanocomposite System
Air Techniques-Root Canal Handpiece
BIOLASE Technology-Soft-tissue Laser
Bisco-Self-adhesive Resin Cement
Den-Mat-Removable Prosthetic Smile
Kuraray America-Resin Restorative Materials
Shofu Dental-Self-adhesive Resin Cement
Snap-On Smile Creations-Smile Appliance
Zila Pharmaceuticals-Oral Cancer Screener
ACTEON North America-Intraoral Camera
A-dec-Operatory Cabinetry
GlaxoSmithKline-Sensitivity Toothpaste
Kodak Dental Systems Group-Photography System
Orascoptic-Lightweight Loupes
SS White Burs-Diamonds
Parkell-Endodontic Sealer
TrioDent-Matrix Retainer Ring
Brasseler USA-Composite Polishers
Centrix-Topical Anesthetics
Coltène/Whaledent-Nonlatex Cord
Consult-Pro-Patient Education Software
Flow X-Ray-X-ray Film
GC America-Luting Cement
J. Morita USA-Augmentation Material
Groman-Air-abrasion Tip
Heine North America-Lightweight Loupes
Milestone Scientific-Anesthesia System
Obtura/Spartan-Ultrasonic System
PeriOptix-LED Light Source
Plastic Endo-Endo File
VOCO-Posterior Composite