Oral Bacterium’s Role in Systemic Disease

Dentistry Today


Researchers have known for years that the oral bacterium with the torturously long name of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans can cause juvenile periodontal disease. Less well-established is the bacteriumís possible role in systemic disease. Part of this uncertainty hinges on conflicting data on the bacterium’s ability to break open red blood cells, a virulence trait called hemolysis that clinical microbiologists frequently evaluate to identify pathogens in diagnostic laboratories. Some previous studies have indicated that certain strains of A.actinomycetemcomitans are beta hemolytic, meaning they completely lyse red blood cells, while several other studies have found just the opposite. In the April 2006 issue of the journal Infection and Immunity, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research grantees report that the answer might fall somewhere in between. The scientists found that the bacterium’s hemolytic ability varied with the choice of growth medium employed in the laboratory. Interestingly, when beta hemolysis was detected, it was conferred by the bacteriumís much studied leukotoxin, suggesting the protein kills white and red blood cells alike. According to the authors, their findings could have “important diagnostic significance.” They explain that because most diagnostic laboratories tend to use the same standardized growth medium and because most microbiology manuals already list A. actinomycetemcomitans as lacking beta hemolytic ability, the bacteriumís role in systemic disease may go undetected and thus be under-reported. Based on their findings, the scientists propose taking a closer look at the bacteriumís hemolytic ability, particularly the key role of its leukotoxin in the process.

(Source: nidcr.nih.gov; Science News in Brief, Accessed May 10, 2006)