Editor's Page

Special Focus on Implants

When Dr. Michael Tischler and I got the go-ahead for the Implants Today section from our publishers a couple of years back, we realized that an important focus for the readers of Dentistry Today would need to be placed on implant dentistry. With the general practitioner (GP) foremost in mind, we are making a concerted effort to bring implant topics that matter most to the practicing clinicians who want to grow their businesses and expand their services by providing the latest in implants, implant restorations, and implant-supported prostheses.

GPs are in a unique position to offer both implant placement and restorative services to those who may need tooth replacement for a variety of reasons. However, these patients should only be treated by GPs who are fully and appropriately trained. Above all, one needs to know when it is not wise to treat a patient, and when it may be far better to refer the patient to a specialist or a GP with advanced implant training for implant placements or when bone grafting is indicated. It should be stated that, while well-written articles can contain much of the didactic information needed to give a GP the required knowledge to proceed, there is no substitute for hands-on training! In addition, any hands-on training should be done with acknowledged leaders who are proven teachers in implant dentistry. When possible, the learning process can be expanded to include follow-up under the watchful eyes of an experienced mentor to help bring the GP into full competency with treatment planning, implant placement and, if desired, other more-advanced techniques such as bone grafting.

Implant-focused articles this month include: Dr. Todd Schoenbaum discussing implant issues related to the aesthetic zone; Dr. Justin Moody talking about starting and growing an implant-focused practice; and Dr. Eduardo Anitua in our peer-reviewed CE selection available for 2 MAGD/FAGD CEUs, outlining the placement of a short implant, its restoration, and a 9-year follow up.

Please enjoy this exciting issue of Dentistry Today!