Editor's Page

Spring Blossoms With Learning Opportunities

This month marks the vernal equinox, and with the beginning of spring, we look forward to participating in some really great dental conferences, including the IDS meeting in Germany, the Hinman in Atlanta, the California Dental Association Annual Meeting in Anaheim, and the 2015 Ameri­can Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry meeting, being held in San Francisco this year. In all these venues, new materials and technologies will be introduced, and clinicians can get a closer look at some of the latest trends in clinical treatment modalities. If you choose to come to any of the above-mentioned meetings here in the United States, be sure to stop by the Dentistry Today booth. We have a booth presence for a variety of reasons, but most of all, we love to meet and visit with our readers and also with the wonderful clinicians who take the time to share their work via case report articles. Our team also uses these opportunities to provide information to any interested clinician with a flare for writing and clinical photography about how to submit a clinical case report article for review and possible publication in Dentistry Today.

Our cover-featured interview with Drs. Paul Belvedere and Douglas Lam­bert, 2 leading professionals with vast experience in the arena of composite resins, takes a historical and current look at these materials and also gives us a glimpse into their practice and the many rewarding years they spent working together.

This month, we are also presenting articles by a number of talented clinicians, focusing on a variety of topics and relevant discussions related to dental materials, technology applications, and useful techniques. Dr. Carlos Boudet shows how a ridge augmentation procedure was used to treat a severe alveolar defect after an extraction; Dr. Steve Buchanan outlines current obturation methods with a specific focus on Centered Condensation Obturation Techniques; Dr. Jeffrey Cranska shares an article on laser removal of zirconia and lithium disilicate crowns; Dr. George Kirtley tells us how he succesfully solved a complex aesthetic/functional challenge; Dr. Paresh Shah covers a variety of uses for a current generation glass ionomer restorative material; Dr. Larry Wallace introduces an innovative one-hour, implant-retained denture; and, in our Viewpoint, Dr. Ardeshir Sadehkhou opines on why clincians need to be educated and ready for risk management challenges. Last but certainly not least, Dr. Rico Short reviews regenerative endodontic procedures as a preferred treatment option for a variety of clinical situations in our peer-reviewed CE selection, available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs.

We hope you enjoy and benefit from this exciting issue of Dentistry Today!