Industry News

Survey Compares Dental Visits to Unpleasant Experiences

Many people would prefer different uncomfortable and unpleasant experiences compared to going to the dentist, according to a DentaVox survey.

For example, 24% of participants find getting dental treatment scarier than being in a room with a snake, and 4% would rather kiss a frog.

Also, 44% of respondents would prefer being locked in a room for a week with their partner than visit the dentist. Similarly, 28% of respondents would rather spend a week at home by themselves than go to the dentist.

Plus, 31% would rather go without Facebook for a week than get dental treatment, and 22% would prefer to be completely offline for an entire day.

Stats differed by gender as well, with 25.3% of women and 37.6% of men preferring a two-hour intense gym workout over going to the dentist, while 18.7% of women and 12.4% of men would prefer a visit to their gynecologist or urologist, respectively.

Finally, 16% of patients are more willing to use a dirty toilet than go to the dentist, and 29% of participants are more willing to completely clean their house than endure dental procedures.  

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