Table of Contents

April 2012

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Reciprocating Relieved Reamers: The Future of Endodontic Instrumentation
Barry L. Musikant, DMD, and Young Bui, DDS, share several cases of varying degrees of difficulties using engine-driven reciprocation for instrumentation.

Redesigning the Macrostructure of Dental Implants
Chen Tian, BS, MS; Sebasitan Tseng, DDS; and William Y. S. Hung, DDS, JD; showcase a double-margin implant design and demonstrate its use via several brief clinical case reports.

Efficient Core Buildups: Sonic-Activated Composite Resin in Endodontically Treated Teeth

Ronald D. Jackson, DDS, presents a short case report using a sonically placed composite resin.

Composite Over-Molding of the Worn Lower Incisor
David Clark, DDS, discusses the use of composite resin to onlay mandibular incisors.

GP Orthodontics: Making a Difference

Joseph Whitehouse, MS, DDS, covers options GPs have to move teeth into more treatable positions before beginning restorative work.

The Creation of an Emergence Profile, Part 1: Using an Interim Restoration as an Aid to Implant Positioning

Tom Bereznicki, BDS (Edin), and Andrew Dawood, MRD, RCS, MSc, BDS, review the importance of the emergence profile in short-span bridgework and the reproduction of the created emergence profile in conventional bridgework.

CAD/CAM Restorative Principles

Costin Marinescu, DDS, outlines the basic principles underlying the uses for CAD/CAM technology in the modern dental practice.

A Novel Approach for a Single-Tooth Provisional

Jeff T. Blank, DMD, demonstrates a unique way to provisionalize a single anterior maxillary tooth immediately after an extraction.

Keeping Dentistry in the Hands of Dentists

Drug Target Could Help Fight Gum Disease

Candida Levels of Maxillary Removable Appliances

Bone Height Measurements on Panoramic Radiographs

Cleft Lip/Palate Treatment Outcomes

Periodontal Disease Blood Samples Can Be Used to Screen for Diabetes