Table of Contents

December 2011

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Revolutionary Advances, Part 3: Pursuit of the 3-D Cork
Wyatt Simons, DDS, discusses obturation and coronal seal with a focus on warm vertical obturation techniques and deep dentinal bonding.

Efficient Placement of Implant Overdenture Attachments
George Priest, DMD, outlines the steps for an accurate and efficient technique for placement of implant overdenture attachments.

The "First Implant": Protocol for the GP, Part 3
Michael Tischler, DDS, and Scott D. Ganz, DMD, in the last article of a 3-part series, present a general dentist’s protocol to placing and restoring his or her first dental implant.

Combining Orthodontics With Conservative Restorative Care
Arthur R. Volker, DDS, MSEd, and David Clark, DDS, present a case report describing how preoperative orthodontics and composite resin contouring was employed to achieve a minimally invasive aesthetic diastema closure.

Prerestorative Ortho to Maximize Aesthetics and Function
Leonid Rubinov, DDS, PhD, presents case reports that focus on prerestorative treatment that helped to optimize the final outcomes.

Bioesthetic Dentistry, Part 1

Kenley Hunt, DDS, and Mitchell Turk, DDS, in the first part of a 4-part series, discuss morphology of the teeth and its importance in developing proper occlusion.

Digital Radiography for Tots and Teens

Fred S. Margolis, DDS, discusses digital radiography for children and adolescents as well as special needs patients.

Showing Respect for the "Neighbors"!

Louis Malcmacher, DDS, demonstrates some of the latest techniques and products used for faster, easier, and better minimally invasive dentistry.