Table of Contents

January 2010

Clinical Update
  • Bitemark Evidence and Analysis
    Researchers from the University at Buffalo’s Laboratory for Forensic Odontology Research in the School of Dental Medicine have published a landmark paper on the controversial topic of bitemark analysis.
  • Continuous Chest Compression Improves CPR
    According to a recent study, when bystanders performed continuous chest compressions without mouth-to-mouth breathing, the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest outside a hospital was found to be twice as high compared to when bystanders performed standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Exercise Protects White Blood Cells
    A German study reports that endurance athletes had long er telomeres (DNA at the tips of chromosomes that protect the cell) in their white blood cells than healthy, nonsmoking adults who did not exercise regularly.
  • Rapid Test For Sjögren’s Syndrome
    A team of National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research scientists reported in August 2009 that an experimental laboratory test called LIPS had correctly identified a key antibody associated with primary Sjögren’s syndrome 3 out of 4 times and with perfect accuracy.
Cover Story
Dental Materials
  • Post-and-Cores: Past to Present
    Douglas A. Terry, DDS, and Edward J. Swift, Jr, DMD, MS, present another InFocus series article on the use of indirect post-and-cores.
First Impressions
Interproximal Contact Technique
Practice Management
Product Focus