Table of Contents

January 2015

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Oral Effects Associated With Obesity and Bariatric Surgery
Alison L. Glascoe, DDS, MS; Ronald S. Brown, DDS, MS; Derrick K. Eiland, DDS; and Cheryl E. Fryer, DDS, MS, MA; discuss the general and oral health effects associated with obesity and bariatric surgical techniques used to treat obesity, and dental treatment considerations for obese patients. This article is peer-reviewed and available for 2 hours of CE credit.

Avoiding Mandibular Nerve Impairment, Part 2: Radiographic and Surgical Techniques
Randolph R. Resnik, DMD, MDS, and Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, PhD (hc), in the second part of their 3-part series, discuss the evaluation and treatment protocols of nerve
impairment complications.

Solving Complex Treatment Challenges: Increasing Occlusal Vertical Dimension via Full-Arch Rehabilitation
Richard Winter, DDS, shows how he managed a patient who had challenging treatment needs and budgetary limitations.

Chairside Implant Abutments: A Novel CAD/CAM Approach
Mike Skramstad, DDS, presents a highly effective system that allows the design and placement of implant abutments and restorations without reverting to the use of stock
or prefabricated options.

Foundation for a Successful Smile Makeover: Understanding Bleaching Choices and Techniques
Joyce L. Bassett, DDS, presents a case report involving the latest bleaching technology and techniques.

A Minimally Invasive Anterior Makeover: Fabricating Direct Veneers Using Microhybrid Resin Composites
Rafael Massunari Maenosono, DDS, MSc; Raphaela Farias Rodrigues, DDS, MSc; Bella Luna Colombini Ishikiriama, DDS, PhD; and Sérgio Kiyoshi Ishikiriama, DDS, MSc, PhD; present a case report outlining a detailed technique for placing direct composite veneers.

Getting the Lines Right
Steven T. Cutbirth, DDS, outlines principles that are relevant to diagnosis, patient communication, and a successful outcome.

The Stainless Steel Hand File: Essential or Extinct?
Lisa Germain, DDS, MScD, gives a relevant review and discussion on the topic of hand files and reamers.

Overcoming a Clinical Challenge: Detecting Caries Around Amalgam Restorations
Stephen H. Abrams, DDS, explains new technology and procedures that can be used to examine the margins of restorations for cracks and caries.

Interdisciplinary Treatment Expanded
Thomas E. Dudney, DMD, and David M. Sarver, DMD, emphasize the need for sequencing in the delivery of care

Intentionally Being Better