Table of Contents

June 2016

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The Dental Decision Maker: Reducing or Eliminating Failed Dentistry

Louis Malcmacher, DDS, presents high-tech ways to decrease failures throughout time with aesthetic and restorative cases.

Full-Arch Fixed Screw-Retained PFM Implant Restoration: A New Look at Proven Technology

Jack Piermatti, DMD, presents a case report focusing the discussion on treatment planning and dental implant prosthetic options.

Digital Dentures: Achieving Precision and Aesthetics

Gary M. Radz, DDS, talks about a new digital denture system demonstrating how only 3 short patient appointments are necessary to fabricate and deliver a quality prosthesis.

The Expanding Role of Vital Pulp Therapy

Martin Trope, DMD, discusses how to avoid the need for all out root canal treatment when exposures or near exposures of the pulp occur.

Bulk-Fill Technique for Posterior Composites: Introducing Organically Modified Ceramics

Jürgen Manhart, DDS, MS, PhD, shares a case report that demonstrates the steps in placing beautiful and functional restorations using an advanced composite resin system.

Rehabilitation of Worn Dentition Using Adhesive and Implant Dentistry
Abdi Sameni, DDS; Ali Borzabadi-Farahani, DDS, MScD; and Alireza Moshaverinia, DDS, MS, PhD; describe the full-mouth rehabilitation of a patient with a worn dentition caused by nocturnal bruxism utilizing a combination of adhesive and implant dentistry. This article is peer reviewed and available for 2 hours of CE credit.

Conquering the Challenges of Material Selection: Key Considerations for Aesthetic Cases

William P. D. Wynne, DDS, and Tyler Wynne, DDS, outline how the proper choice of a ceramic system affects both the immediate and long-term success of an aesthetic case.

Techniques for Predictable Aesthetic Smile Designs

Jason Olitsky, DMD, outlines a detailed approach to ensure predictable success.