Table of Contents

March 2011

Simplified Delivery of a Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Restorative
Robert C. Margeas, DDS, reveals his techniques for the use of one of the latest resin-modified glass ionomer for restorations in both geriatric and pediatric patients.

Spotlight on Infection Control—That Thing You Do!

John A. Molinari, PhD, discusses current issues related to infection control that are important for every doctor and team to know.

CBCT Technology: Endodontics and Beyond, Part 2

Jack S. Roth, DDS, continues the discussion on the use of cone beam technology in diagnosis and treatment planning as well as its effect on the concepts of endodontics versus implants.

Fabricating Fiber-Reinforced Composite Posts

Jürgen Manhart, DDS, PhD, discusses the use of adhesively luted biomimetic posts to reduce postoperative root fractures.

Aesthetics With Simplicity

Rafael S. Beolchi, DDS, MSc, and Renato Miotto Palo, DDS, MSc, PhD, present a case report demonstrating composite layering techniques in the anterior segment, designed to please the patient.

Solving Aesthetic Challenges Due to Gingival Recession
Frank J. Milnar, DDS, presents a case demonstrating the use of specialized composites to restore aesthetics in a patient with gingival recession.

Orthodontic Extrusion: An Adjunct to Implant Treatment

Steven L. Rasner, DMD, presents a case in which orthodontic extrusion was used first as a preliminary adjunct to implant treatment to ensure aesthetic success.

Laser Technology: Real World Applications

Raymond J. Voller, DMD, showcases several case report vignettes that demonstrate different applications for the use of laser technology in the modern dental practice.

Surface Treatments for Tooth-Colored Restorations: Part 2

Douglas A. Terry, DDS, and Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD, in part 2 of a 2-part article, discuss surface treatments designed to improve adhesion for all-ceramic and indirect composite restorations.

Interoccusal Space Challenges

Onur Geckili, DDS, PhD, et al, present a case report in which limited interocclusal space presented a dilemma for prosthetic rehabilitation.


Effects of Xylitol on Mutans Streptococci

Long-Term Prognosis of Endodontically Treated Teeth

Stem Cells and Craniofacial Diseases

Asthmatic Youth Have a Greater Caries Risk

Sea Urchin Teeth Studied

Three-Dimentional X-Rays for Kids: Ongoing Debate

Vegetables, Vitamin B, and Mouth Cancer

Blood Vessels For Lab-Grown Tissues