Table of Contents

March 2017

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Restorative Digital Dentistry, Part 3: Integration of Technology Into the Clinical Practice

Gary Kaye, DDS, shares the final installment in a 3-part series on restorative digital dentistry.

Technology Expands the Scope of the General Practice

Daniel Drake, DDS, demonstrates how the general practitioner can learn and use the latest in dental technology to benefit the patient.

Considerations in Abutment Selection
Jack Piermatti, DMD, discusses implant fixtures and abutment considerations.

Three Impression Material Classifications: A Comparison

Sam Simos, DDS, clinically compares a new hybrid vinyl polyether siloxane (VPES) impression material to standard vinyl polysiloxane impression materials.

Advances in Biomechanical Preparation

David A. Beach, DMD, MS, demonstrates how modern endodontic technologies can lead to consistent and predictable case success.

A Shared Understanding: Managing Aesthetic Treatment Imperfection

Jack D. Griffin Jr, DMD, presents a case report emphasizing how the need for a shared understanding between doctor and patient is important for success.

Glass Ionomers in Modern Clincial Practice

Lou Graham, DDS, covers the indications and applications for a recently introduced glass ionomer material.

Implementing a Systematic Digital Workflow
Ara Nazarian, DDS, presents a case report showcasing the importance of excellent doctor-technician collaboration.

Restoration of a Lateral Incisor With Dens Invaginatus
Plinio Mendes Senna, DDS, PhD; Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal da Silva, DDS, PhD; Ricardo Guimarães de Carvalho, DDS; and Luciano Ribeiro Corrêa Netto, DDS; report a case involving a teenage patient with a maxillary lateral incisor malformed by dens invaginatus. Aesthetic restoration of the tooth was achieved using a gingiva-shaded composite. This article is peer reviewed and available for 2 hours of CE credit.

Prophy or Perio Patient – What’s Your Why?

Focus On: Lasers for Disinfection