Table of Contents

November 2012

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Understanding Antioxidants: Using Various Arsenals to Impact the Oral Environment
Karen Davis, RDH, BSDH, discusses antioxidants as they relate to oral health and periodontal conditions.


Study of Xerostomia in Complete Denture Wearers

Plant May Have a Role in Treating Head and Neck Cancer

Promising Combination for Enamel Remineralization

Early Childhood Caries Transmission

A Segmented Approach to Full-Mouth Rehabilitation
Christopher J. Stevens, DDS, presents a complex full-mouth rehabilitation case, emphasizing a segmental approach to care.

When Less Invasive Is Also Aesthetic
Samer S. Alassaad, DDS, demonstrates how he satisfied his patient’s cosmetic goals by utilizing a minimally invasive approach.

In-Office Milling: Maximizing Aesthetics and Efficiency
Mark J. Fleming, DDS, discusses the use of a newly introduced nanoceramic CAD/CAM block.

Advanced Treatment Planning: One Recipe for Implant Success
Richard Winter, DDS, provides a treatment planning perspective that may help others plan comprehensive care for their patients in a more holistic fashion.

To Plan or Not to Plan: That Is the Question! Aesthetically Guided Transitional Bonding for Space Management Quandaries
Joyce Bassett, DDS, discusses how she used aesthetically-guided transitional bonding to solve space management challenges.

Aesthetic and Void-Free Cementation of Onlays
Jeff T. Blank, DMD, outlines a reliable technique for predictably placing posterior all-ceramic restorations.

ER:YAG Laser for 3-Dimensional Debridement of Canal Systems: Use of Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming

Enrico DiVito, DDS, and Adam Lloyd, BDS, MS, introduces new applications of the Er:YAG laser for 3-dimensional debridement of the canal system.

The Case for Practice Management

Surgical Techniques for Jaw Reconstruction

Comparison of Orthodontic Bonding Preparation Techniques

Stem Cells Develop Into Mineralized Tissues