
CDC and OSAP Issue Best Practices for Dental Antibiotic Use

Antimicrobial agents have spared millions of patients from illness and death caused by infection....

Tray Doesn’t Need Antibiotics to Fight Gum Disease

Bacteria that resist antibiotics are a growing danger, prompting researchers to investigate alternative methods...

GPs Prescribing Unnecessary Antibiotics for Dental Problems

More than half of the patients in the United Kingdom who visited their general...

Doctors Play a Greater Role in Dental Care Down Under

Access to dental care in Australia is getting better. According to a 2012 study...

ADA Asks for Position on Antibiotics Council

In 2014, President Obama established the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria to...

Student Develops One-Shot Root Canal Alternative

Instead of performing a root canal, imagine bringing a dying tooth back to life....

Efforts to Curb Antibiotic Overuse Go Viral

More doctors are prescribing antibiotics to fight infection, and they’re losing their effectiveness as...

Necessity of Antibiotics After Implants Questioned

Antibiotics are prescribed after implant procedures to prevent implant failure and postoperative complications. Yet...

Nanodiamonds Improve Root Canal Therapy

Gutta-percha may be used to fill in the empty space after inflamed pulp is...

Number of Dental Patients Visiting Emergency Room Continues to Rise

People with no other options for dental care are doing whatever they can to...