OSAP Announces 2021 Recipient of James A. Cottone Award for Excellence in Investigative Research
OSAP is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2021 Dr. James A Cottone Award for Excellence in Investigative Research. This award is.
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OSAP is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2021 Dr. James A Cottone Award for Excellence in Investigative Research. This award is.
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) held its first board meeting at the organization’s new headquarters in Atlanta, November 13-15. During.
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has announced the members of its 2016-2017 OSAP Board of Directors and its 2016-2017 OSAP.
Patterson Dental announced an increased commitment to the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), by becoming a Super Sponsor. Super Sponsors are.
– The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), the advocate for The Safest Dental Visit™, announces a call for research and best.
ANNAPOLIS, MD—October 1, 2013—Recent breaches, including the first documented patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C in a U.S. dental practice, underscore the importance of.
ANNAPOLIS, MD — September 19, 2013 — Supporters of the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) are lending a helping hand in.
ANNAPOLIS, MD — May 1, 2013 — The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is helping to groom future infection control leaders.
ANNAPOLIS, MD—March 27, 2013— Continuing its mission to be the world’s leading advocate for the safe and infection-free delivery of oral healthcare, the.
ANNAPOLIS, MD—January 8, 2013—Dr. Harold Jaffe, Associate Director for Science, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and one of the world’s leading authorities.