Gum Disease Linked to COVID-19 Complications
COVID-19 patients are at least three times more likely to experience complications if they also have gum disease, according to an international team.
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COVID-19 patients are at least three times more likely to experience complications if they also have gum disease, according to an international team.
Adults age 50 and older with at least one chronic health condition face a greater risk of tooth loss, according to the Centers.
The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Dentistry is helping to lead an initiative to build the state’s capacity to provide.
In December 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning regarding general anesthesia or sedation for children under the age of.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its final rule banning the use of powdered surgical gloves, powdered patient examination gloves,.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its final rule banning the use of powdered surgical gloves, powdered patient examination gloves,.
People with gum disease need to make sure their condition doesn’t lead to other health problems—like asthma. A new study that appeared in.
Five to 10 percent of patients with asthma have disease that can be classified as severe, meaning it is difficult to treat and.
Children and adolescents with asthma have somewhat more caries and suffer more often from gingivitis (gingival inflammation) than people of similar age without.
Scientists in Japan have suggested that wasabi can help to prevent tooth decay. Wasabi is a pungent plant from the Cruciferous family, which.