Call For Abstracts For Osap Infection Control Symposium
– The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), the advocate for The Safest Dental Visit™, announces a call for research and best.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
– The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), the advocate for The Safest Dental Visit™, announces a call for research and best.
November 9, 2012, Baltimore, MD—Dr. Joseph Massad, a Tulsa, Oklahoma, dental practitioner and one of Komet USA’s Key Opinion Leaders, was recently honored.
A recent study has found that spring is indeed arriving earlier—and autumn later—in the suburbs of Baltimore and Washington, D.C. If you’ve been.