FDI Releases Guide to Promote Oral Healthcare for Refugees
The FDI World Dental Federation has released Promoting Oral Health for Refugees: An Advocacy Guide to help clinicians and other parties plan and.
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The FDI World Dental Federation has released Promoting Oral Health for Refugees: An Advocacy Guide to help clinicians and other parties plan and.
LIBERTY Dental Plan of California has partnered with nonprofit Improve Your Tomorrow (IYT) and Sacramento City College to create the LIBERTY Dental Health.
The University of Mississippi School of Dentistry will use a five-year, $2.25 million Health Resources and Services Administration grant to remove dental barriers.
Healthcare workers including dental professionals in the United States have been facing the COVID-19 pandemic for more than three months. Stressors such as.
The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued an alert listing safety tips employers can follow to help.
Despite calls for a more diverse workforce, only 15.2% of dental school applicants in 2016 were underrepresented minorities, according to the American Dental.
Delta Dental is launching the Delta Dental Institute, which it calls a first of its kind national organization dedicated to spotlighting the importance.
Dental care is free for everyone under the age of 18 in New Zealand, yet Pasifika adolescents in the nation are less likely.
R. Bruce Donoff, MD, DMD, dean of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) for 28 years, will step down from the position.
More than 12,300 visits to emergency rooms for non-traumatic dental problems in British Columbia could be prevented each year with better access to.