
Enamel Microabrasion Associated With Monitored Bleaching

The enamel microabrasion technique is one of the most effective and safe ways to...

The Fine Points of Bleaching Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stains

I appreciate the fine article Dr. Wynn H. Okuda shared on masking techniques for...

European Tooth Whitening Products Face Compliance Challenges

Many tooth whitening products fail to comply with European Union or national regulations for...

Adding Milk to Tea May Limit Staining

Adding milk to tea may have some benefits. A new study claims that putting...

Sdi’s Pola Office Has The Least Sensitivity Among Other Tooth Whitening Products

Benseville, IL, September 20 ,2012., based on the recent JADA report with the study...

Caution Necessary to Ensure Effective Teeth Whitening

Certain measures must be taken after having your teeth whitened. This way, the teeth...

Longing for White Teeth can Ruin Healthy Teeth

Americans are beginning to go overboard with whitening their teeth. In the last 10...