How to Relax When Dentistry Is So Demanding
You likely don’t need me to tell you that rest is important, but do you even know how to relax? That might be.
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You likely don’t need me to tell you that rest is important, but do you even know how to relax? That might be.
Most people don’t look forward to going to the dentist. It’s entirely normal for patients to feel apprehensive about dental procedures, especially those.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has put a particular focus on the importance of breathing and lung function. For not yet determined reasons, children.
“You need to get here. Fast.” That’s not a message one likes to receive prior to clinic, but I had one of those.
When obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) lose weight, their apnea appears to improve primarily because they have lost tongue fat, according.
When the hospital dental residents at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto discussed the difficulties of dealing with the stress of dental school, Bruce Freeman,.
Breathing problems are difficult to detect when children are under anesthesia, prompting researchers at UW Health and the Morgridge Institute for Research Fab.
We all need something from which to base our actions, and we need to believe that our actions are appropriate for our patients..
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are at risk of serious health problems including heart disease, memory loss, diabetes, stroke, impotence, and depression..
People who breathe with their mouths during sleep may see more tooth decay, according to scientists as the Sir John Walsh Research Institute.