
Six Things You Need to Know About Stress-Related Tooth Injuries Like Cracked Teeth

The end of summer can be a stressful time for families, when vacations and...

Eliminate Expensive Dentist Visits for Teeth Grinding Supplies Relief with Affordable Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard Bruxism, the clinical term for...

Oral Health Plays a Role in Migraines and Headaches

As June marks National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, said that oral health...

COVID-19 Impacts Oral Health—Even If You Don’t Acquire the Viral Infection

Only history will be able to fully measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic....

Combat Dental Problems by Treating Sleep Apnea Patients

Sleep is an essential function for the human body. It revives our overall being,...

Pandemic Lockdowns Lead to More Orofacial and Jaw Pain

The stress and anxiety experienced by the general population during Israel’s first lockdown brought...

Warn Your Patients About the Risks of DIY Dentistry

When the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that patients delay routine dental visits until the pandemic...

Stress-Related Oral Health Issues See an Increase During the Pandemic

Most dentists have seen a greater number of stress-related oral health issues among their...

Patients Need to Brush Up on Dental Terminology

Many of your patients aren’t familiar with key terminology that you use every day...

Bruxism Linked With Periodontitis

Involuntary masseter muscle activity such as bruxism and jaw clenching may be linked to...