Increased Insurance Transparency Under New California Law
The California Dental Association (CDA) played a role in sponsoring recent legislation that was signed into law and will be effective from January.
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The California Dental Association (CDA) played a role in sponsoring recent legislation that was signed into law and will be effective from January.
Smile, California, an effort by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), launched Sealants for a Healthy Smile, a statewide campaign to.
Brand New Day, a Medicare-approved health plan that offers myriad benefit options designed to meet members’ special needs, will expand into six additional.
Imagen Dental Partners, one of the fastest-growing DPOs in the country, has expanded into its eighth state, California, welcoming Scripps Rock Dental and Schaffer.
The Delta Dental Community Care Foundation has awarded $1.5 million in grants to food banks that touch every county in California, which is.
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has identified three of the most important factors that have led to disparities in access to.
Governor Gavin Newsom has reappointed Lilia Larin, DDS, Rosalinda Olague, RDA, and Joanne Pacheco, RDH, to the Dental Board of California. All three.
Dentists and other healthcare professionals in California are now protected from liability in administering COVID-19 vaccines, according to an executive order from Governor.
More than one in four adults in California report having poor oral health, but that figure rises to about one in two for.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a stay-at-home order for the state’s Northern California, Bay Area, Greater Sacramento, San Joaquin Valley, and Southern.