
Never Lose Sight of Who You Serve

When was the last time you answered the phone at the front desk of...

Dental Hygiene Named the Number One Healthcare Support Profession

Now seems to be a good time to launch a career in oral health....

Dentistry Made Me Hate People—for a Moment

Walking through the back door of the clinic, five minutes past the first scheduled...

How to Turn Common Patient Questions Into Appointments

We believe that dentistry starts not when patients come in for their first dental...

Reputation Management Starts with the Revenue Cycle

At a time when three out of four patients rely on online reviews in selecting a...

Break Your Smartphone Addiction to Improve Your Productivity

Your screen time is up 17% this week. You are averaging 6 hours and...

Does Your Dental Practice Provide the Mercedes-Benz Experience?

Mercedes-Benz earns its reputation as an industry leader in luxury vehicles through its commitment...

How Dental Professionals Can Alleviate Dental Anxiety in Patients

Patients who suffer from dental anxiety are less likely to go to the dentist....

Patient Complaint Review Shows That Chairside Manner Matters as Much as Clinical Skill

A two-year study of complaints made to the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of...

So You’ve Made a Major Mistake as a Practice Leader—Now What?

Dr. Burbank was devastated. He’d gone to a conference and learned about a great...