Make Urgent Care Part of Your Dental Marketing Plan

Emergency treatment may not be the most exciting aspect of dentistry, but it is...

OSHA Issues Best Practices for Dental Offices to Protect Employees

The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued an...

Thicker Saliva Could Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

Researchers at the University of Central Florida are looking at changing people’s saliva to...

Mouthwash May Fight Coronavirus

Readily available dental mouthwashes have the potential to destroy the lipid envelope of coronaviruses,...

Tennessee Practices Reopen While Massachusetts Waits

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to recommend that dental practices...

Delta Dental of Tennessee to Give Dentists $1,000 Credit

Delta Dental of Tennessee will commit more than $3.3 million to Operation #SmilesMatter, a...

Independent Dental Practices to Face Marketing Challenges After the Pandemic

Independent dental practices will face increasingly competitive marketing challenges after the pandemic is over,...

CDC Director Says Dental Guidelines Will Be Updated

Though most states are allowing dental offices to resume elective procedures, the Centers for...

Dentists, Inflammation, and COVID-19 Risks

COVID-19 is unequivocally the most stealthy yet serious virus I have encountered in 30...

EFP Infographics Detail COVID-19 Treatment Protocols

The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) has published a set of infographics that provide...