Misconceptions About Root Canals Abound Among Patients
Patients dread root canals. But how many of their fears are based on fact, and how many are based on fiction? DentaVox recently.
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Patients dread root canals. But how many of their fears are based on fact, and how many are based on fiction? DentaVox recently.
A patient came in with discomfort on tooth No. 8. He had a draining sinus tract with slight swelling (figure 1, left). He.
Drilling and filling might not be the best strategy for addressing caries in primary teeth, report researchers in the United Kingdom. Comparing three.
The trigeminal nerve and its peripheral branches are susceptible to injury in the practice of dentistry. Neurosensory deficits can be debilitating to some.
A patient came in with pain on tooth No. 19. It had a very large and deep decay with very long, skinny roots..
Physicists and mathematicians use the classical Stefan problem to explain the principles of crystal formation, such as snowflakes. Researchers at the University of.
The $55 billion cosmetic dentistry industry now spans the United States, Middle East, South America, and China. The number of cosmetic dentists in.
A patient went to his general dentist’s office because he broke tooth No. 5. He was not in any pain. His dentist used.
The ACTIVA BioACTIVE-CEMENT from Pulpdent stimulates apatite formation at the material-tooth interface. This natural remineralization process knits the restoration and the tooth together.
The ACTIVA BioACTIVE-CEMENT from Pulpdent stimulates apatite formation at the material-tooth interface. This natural remineralization process knits the restoration and the tooth together.