United Kingdom May Enact Soft Drink Tax
Your daily caloric intake soon may not be the only thing that soda increases. Experts from Oxford University are supporting a raise in.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
Your daily caloric intake soon may not be the only thing that soda increases. Experts from Oxford University are supporting a raise in.
People in Sweden apparently need a lesson on brushing their teeth. A survey of Swedish people indicated that just 1 out 10 people.
A great deal of information can be taken from recent studies about early childhood caries. The articles, “Hypoplasia-Associated Severe Early Childhood Caries—A Proposed.
Sense of smell may be more important than you think. Without the sense of smell people, wouldn’t be able to detect such things.
Many pet owners are unaware of some pain their pets may constantly be dealing with. The dental pain many pets experience stems from.
Parents should stay away from allowing their children to drink smoothies. The high acidity level in the smoothies is capable of resulting in.
Tooth decay is a major problem for teenagers in Ireland. Recent information indicates that the tooth decay for teenagers there ranks among the.
(Charlotte, NC – October 26, 2011) Halloween is just around the corner, and the Toothfairy’s nightmare is about to begin. Believe it or.
People with severe mental illnesses are three times more likely to lose their teeth because of poor oral health. This information comes from.
A poodle in the Canadian province of British Columbia is named “Miracle May” for a reason. The dog was dropped by a bird.