Delta Dental

Emerging Advocacy Groups Support Small Business Dentistry

Small business dentistry is increasingly establishing advocacy groups designed to address specific issues. Areas...

85% of Americans Value Their Oral Health

Your patients care more about their oral health than you probably think they do....

42% of Americans Want to See Their Dentists More Often

Americans still aren’t seeing their dentist as much as they would like. For a...

Tooth Fairy Gifts Drop to $4.13 Per Tooth in 2017

It looks like the Tooth Fairy tightened her belt last year. After a record...

Fewer Adults Miss Work Due to Oral Health Issues

Fewer adults are skipping work because of toothaches, dental appointments, and similar problems, according...

Michigan Lawmakers to Promote Oral Health and Literacy

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and March is National Reading Month. With...

Nearly Half of Americans Want to See Their Dentist More Often

You may feel that your patients don’t see you as often as they should....

Bill Continues Dental Coverage for Veterans

Congress has passed the Department of Veterans Affairs Dental Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2016,...

Oral Health Matters in Happy Relationships

In a perfect world, people would take care of their teeth because it’s the...

More Pregnant Women Seeing Their Dentists

Many pregnant women skip dentist visits because they are focused on seeing other doctors...