dental specialty

Report Calls for More Coordinated and Less Invasive TMD Treatment

Less invasive and more evidence-based approaches are available for temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), yet some...

Urgent Care Dentistry Should Be Incorporated into General Dentistry Specialty Training

Urgent/emergencycare dentistry should be combined within the emerging dental specialty of general dentistry due...

Ben Burris Indicted for Fraud And Bribery

The US Department of Justice announced the indictment of Dr. Benjamin Gray Burris, noted...

AAOM Seeks Recognition of Oral Medicine as a Dental Specialty

The American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) has submitted an application and request to...

AAOP Asks ADA to Recognize Orofacial Pain as a Specialty

The American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) has submitted an application and request to...

ADA Now Recognizes Dental Anesthesiology as a Specialty

The ADA has officially recognized dental anesthesiology as a dental specialty, according to a...