Dental Therapy Moves Forward in Michigan
Dental therapy is Michigan’s newest licensed profession, and its potential is recognized by a variety of stakeholders. In Michigan, organizations such as the.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
Dental therapy is Michigan’s newest licensed profession, and its potential is recognized by a variety of stakeholders. In Michigan, organizations such as the.
The University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry has partnered with the Saskatchewan Polytech School of Health Sciences and the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority.
Clare Roesler, the first licensed dental therapist to practice on the East Coast, discusses her work at Penobscot Community Health Care in Bangor,.
The first dental therapist on the East Coast will begin working in Bangor, Maine, at Penobscot Community Health Care. Clare Roesler will begin.
The Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences at King’s College London has launched the Dental Therapy & Hygiene BSc undergraduate course, which is now.
Dental hygienists and dental therapists in the United Kingdom soon may get approval from the National Health Service (NHS) to administer local and.
The North Dakota House defeated House Bill 1256 on Wednesday, February 8, which would have allowed mid-level oral healthcare providers also known as dental.
The population’s oral health notably improves in states where dental hygienists are allowed by law to practice at higher levels of professional competence.
The population’s oral health notably improves in states where dental hygienists are allowed by law to practice at higher levels of professional competence.
The Michigan State Senate is now considering Senate Bill 1013 (2016), sponsored by Senate Health Policy Committee chair Mike Shirkey, which would establish.