
Tooth Loss May Indicate Malnutrition in Older Adults

Older adults are at risk for both impaired oral health and malnutrition, according to...

Head and Neck Cancer Survivors See Greater Risk of Suicide

Despite improved survival rates among cancer patients, the risk of death by suicide remains...

Opioid Prescriptions for Wisdom Tooth Extractions Linked to Long-Term Use

While many people have their wisdom teeth removed when they are teenagers or young...

Psychosocial Factors Linked With Severe Periodontal Injuries

Psychosocial factors such as depression, stress, emotional vulnerability, and Type A personality are associated...

Acupuncture May Be Used to Treat Dental Anxiety

Patients with dental anxiety can experience nausea, difficulty breathing, and dizziness at the thought...

Patients With Dental Phobia More Likely to Have Caries and Missing Teeth

Dental anxiety is common, though it is considered a phobia when it has a...

Suicide and Dentistry: Myths, Realities, and Prevention

Dentistry is more than stressful. It also has a grim reputation. Many people believe...

AADSM Promotes Obstructive Sleep Apnea Awareness

Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are at risk of serious health problems including...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Ease Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety prevents many people from seeking the care they need. They have poor...

Laughing Gas May Treat Depression

Laughing gas may be more useful than originally thought. A new study indicates that...