
Metabolic Diseases Significantly Alter Oral Bacteria

Metabolic diseases—characterized by high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and obesity—increase salivary glucose, alter...

Consensus Reached on Diabetes-Periodontitis Links

The 15 international specialists who gathered at the Perio-Diabetes Workshop in Madrid on February...

How Fast Food Impacts Your Patients’ Oral Health

Fast food has become a staple of modern eating. When your patients have a...

Life Expectancy Linked to Number of Teeth

The number of teeth you keep as you get older could indicate just how...

Cytokines May Tie Obesity to Periodontal Disease

As physicians continue to wrestle with rising rates of both obesity and gum disease,...

Fluoride Suspected in Increasing Diabetes Rates

Fluoride has long been an effective tool in fighting tooth decay. But research from...

Better Oral Care Could Save Businesses Billions

American businesses cover 57% of their employees’ healthcare costs each year, according to the...

Online Toolkit Improves Integrated Approaches to Dental Care

Successful outcomes in oral health often depend on how well the rest of the...

Chronic Periodontitis Linked to Lacunar Infarct and Strokes

Researchers at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain have found a relationship...

Better Oral Care for Diabetics Could Reduce Healthcare Costs

There is a reciprocal link between oral health and diabetes, as improvements in one...