
Tooth Loss Linked to Dementia

As researchers continue to probe the links between oral and systemic health, Kyushu University...

Tailored Interventions Improve Oral Health in Elder Care

Tailored preventive oral health interventions can significantly improve the cleanliness of teeth and dentures...

Long-Term Care Patients Refuse Dental Treatment

Nearly 90% of patients at long-term care facilities don’t take advantage of dental services,...

Oral Care Essential to Physical and Mental Functionality in Old Age

Older adults with significant tooth loss are less functional, both physically and cognitively, than...

Scientists Recommend Tripled Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D helps people absorb calcium, making it essential to strong bones and healthy...

Osteoporosis Treatment May Fight Gum Disease, Too

The risk of osteoporosis increases with age. As it sets in, so can periodontitis,...