Dentistry’s Recovery Stabilizes According to ADA HPI Poll
Dentistry’s recovery seems to have stabilized, according to the August 10 biweekly poll from the ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI), with 98% of.
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Dentistry’s recovery seems to have stabilized, according to the August 10 biweekly poll from the ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI), with 98% of.
Following weeks of only being able to provide emergency treatment, many dental offices are experiencing a surge in patients seeking appointments. But with.
We are in uncharted waters. People’s reactions to COVID-19 vary in intensities. Some continue to look at it as a glamorized flu, while.
The competition for patients is fierce. In fact, 26% of dentists in private practice say they aren’t busy enough and could treat more patients..
Now seems to be a good time to launch a career in oral health. In addition to dentistry being named the second best.
Dental service organizations (DSOs) have rapidly expanded within the last 20 years, and their steady growth is expected to continue. The question is.
Many of the factual points Dr. Michael Davis made in his August 19 article, “Dental Hygienists Face Temp Employment Difficulties,” are well taken..
The Pennsylvania Office of State Inspector General (OSIG), acting on a tip from the public, charged Perry County dentist Joseph A. Ciampa with.
Performance reviews are a staple of business employment policy. By reviewing employees regularly, companies hope to provide them with an understanding of their.
Interviewing prospective employees can be draining and time consuming. Group interviews are the most efficient way to hire for your practice. You can.