Interglobular Dentin Indicates Vitamin D Deficiencies
Dentin does more than form the bulk of our teeth. It also may hold clues to evolution as mankind migrated from our earliest.
- May 18, 2017
- 2 minutes read
Bigger Brains Did Not Lead to Smaller Teeth in Human Evolution
Researchers at George Washington University’s Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology (CASHP) have found that while brain size evolves at different.
- January 6, 2017
- 1 minute read
Bigger Brains Did Not Lead to Smaller Teeth in Human Evolution
Researchers at George Washington University’s Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology (CASHP) have found that while brain size evolves at different.
- January 6, 2017
- 1 minute read
Tooth Fossils Suggest a Simpler Evolutionary Path
While your dentist looks at your teeth for signs of decay, biologists are looking at the teeth of our ancestors to uncover evolutionary.
- March 3, 2016
- 1 minute read
Ancient Skull Reveals a Softer Prehistoric Diet
In 2008, scientists recovered the skull of an Australopithecus sediba. This diminutive pre-human species that lived in southern Africa about 2 million years.
- February 12, 2016
- 2 minutes read
Teeth Developed Thanks to Evolution
Evolutionary copycats eventually developed tooth-like structures independent from other vertebrates. The new revelation appears in Nature and was discovered by the University of.
- October 22, 2013
- Less than a minute
Modern Diet Causes Dental Problems
The diet of the modern world can be blamed for many dental problems. Dentists, evolutionary biologists and food scientists recently congregated at a.
- June 26, 2012
- 1 minute read
Sports Stats Show Why Lefties are Rare
Cooperation favors same-handedness—for sharing the same tools, for example. Left-handed people are relatively rare because of the balance between cooperation and competition in.
- April 27, 2012
- 2 minutes read
Dawn of Social Networks: Ancestors May Have Formed Ties Based On Shared Attributes
The study’s findings describe elements of social network structures that may have been present early in human history Ancient humans may not have.
- January 27, 2012
- 5 minutes read