
Microbes in Dental Plaque and in Soil Have Much in Common

A. Murat Eren, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at the...

Study Reveals 15 Million Years of Molar Evolution

Closely related mammals with similar diets tend to have similar teeth. Yet recent research...

Fossilized Teeth Shine Light on Peking Man’s Family Tree

During the early twentieth century, scientists uncovered fossils belonging to Homo erectus in Zhoukoudian...

Septodont and Tuttle to Develop Needle-Bending Guide

Septodont has signed an agreement with Gregory K. Tuttle, DDS, to develop a needle-bending...

Top 10 News Stories of 2017

The dental profession continued to make headlines in 2017. Here are the top 10...

Fish Scales and Vertebrate Teeth Share an Embryonic Origin

Biologists have debated whether ancient fish scales moved into the mouth once jaws emerged...

Interglobular Dentin Indicates Vitamin D Deficiencies

Dentin does more than form the bulk of our teeth. It also may hold...

Bigger Brains Did Not Lead to Smaller Teeth in Human Evolution

Researchers at George Washington University’s Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology (CASHP)...

Tooth Fossils Suggest a Simpler Evolutionary Path

While your dentist looks at your teeth for signs of decay, biologists are looking...

Ancient Skull Reveals a Softer Prehistoric Diet

In 2008, scientists recovered the skull of an Australopithecus sediba. This diminutive pre-human species...