58% of People Don’t Floss at All
According to Spotlight Oral Care, 58% of people don’t floss at all and only 47% floss weekly. Also, 73% of the 1,700 patients.
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According to Spotlight Oral Care, 58% of people don’t floss at all and only 47% floss weekly. Also, 73% of the 1,700 patients.
Researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, are using neutron scattering to study how nanoparticles with antibacterial properties.
Fissure sealants can be an effective tool in preventing pediatric tooth decay. Yet Cardiff University reports that applying fluoride varnish can be just.
A nasal spray that could replace needle-administered anesthesia is safe and effective, according to researchers led by the University of Pennsylvania School of.
A nasal spray that could replace needle-administered anesthesia is safe and effective, according to researchers led by the University of Pennsylvania School of.
To say there is a lot of negativity about dental lasers, especially hard tissue lasers, would be a massive understatement. The application of.
Technology has the capability of opening up the lines of communications between dentists and their patients. It’s hard to fully comprehend a problem.
A needleless, drill-free method of treating tooth decay may have been created by a New Zealand college. University of Otago researchers generated this.
A recent discovery may provide the first tangible proof of dentistry. A 6,500-year-old tooth was found and it contained traces of beeswax filling,.
People with severe mental illnesses are three times more likely to lose their teeth because of poor oral health. This information comes from.