financial management

Will I Have Enough? The Wrong Retirement Question for Dentists, and What to Ask Instead…

HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? This is the number one question I get asked regularly...

Are You Focusing On Financial Freedom Or The Tools That Get You There? – Part 3

How Do You Mitigate Risk? In my last article, I discussed the risks involved...

Are You Focusing On Financial Freedom Or The Tools That Get You There? – Part 2

In part one of this article, I discussed how optimizing your time is a...

Are You Focusing On Financial Freedom Or The Tools That Get You There? – Part 1

Being rich is having money; BEING WEALTHY IS HAVING TIME. If you’re still grinding...

The Game of Tax Reduction — Part 2 — Dentist Retirement Planning and Financial Success

As discussed in part 1 of this article relative to dentist retirement planning, the...

How Dentists Can Pay Off Their Student Debt

According to the ADA, 64% of dental school graduates report having more than $200,000...