
New Report Reinforces Confidence in the Safety of Fluoride

A newly drafted report by the National Toxicology program (NTP) has removed the hazard...

New CPT Code Empowers Medical Professionals to Apply Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) to Treat Cavities

Last month, the American Medical Association (AMA) approved a new category III CPT code...

Eklund Foundation Announces 2021 Grant Recipients

The Eklund Foundation now supports research projects in dentistry for the sixth year running....

Elementa is a Game-Changer in Oral Health

Modern diets make it nearly impossible for traditional dental aids such as fluoride to...

The Benefits of Trimetaphosphate on Oral Health

You may not know this but there are new studies being published about the...

Dental Therapy Moves Forward in Michigan

Dental therapy is Michigan’s newest licensed profession, and its potential is recognized by a...

Lack of Fluoridated Water and High Sugar Intake Increase Tooth Decay Risk by 70%

Children with limited exposure to fluoridated water and a high sugar intake are 70%...

Water Fluoridation Gains Support on Twitter

Positive attitudes toward water fluoridation are growing on Twitter, where the number of supporters...

The Public Doesn’t Know Much About Dental Caries

The general public doesn’t know very much about dental caries, according to a survey...

Virtudent Provides Free Dental Services to Special Needs Children

Virtudent, a Boston-based mobile dental clinic and teledentistry service provider, recently visited Spaulding Academy...