front desk

Does Your Dental Practice Operate Like This Taco Shop?

Recently, I was craving tacos. I was in a pinch for time, so I...

Three Takeaways Dental Practices Can Learn from Amazon’s Prime Day

Each year, Amazon Prime subscribers look forward to Prime Day, the annual online shopping...

Beat the Summer Heat by Training Your Staff to Effectively Leverage the Phone

While most people view summer as a time to relax and unwind, the summer...

Provide Feedback to Cultivate a Positive Office Environment

In dental offices spanning the industry, striving to hit expectations fosters camaradery, teamwork, and...

What Your Dental Practice Can Learn from the Southwest Airlines Experience

Companies like Southwest Airlines are renowned for their exceptional customer experience. As a Southwest...

Three Phone Skills to Book More New Patients

The phone at the front desk is often the first touch point for a...

Use Scripting to Grow Your Dental Practice

After building a consulting firm that has provided services to almost 30,000 dental practices,...

Look Outside Dentistry for Hires Who Want to Work

“People just don’t want to work anymore.” “Millennials are lazy and entitled.” “I’d like...

Navigating the Ever-Changing Insurance Landscape

The concept of dental insurance sounds good in principle. Patients have the benefit of...

The Four Rules of Patient Referrals

All dentists value word-of-mouth patient referrals. Unfortunately, many practices don’t have a sustained and...