gum disease

Providers Now Cover Periodontal Medicament Carrier Code D5994

Two dental benefits providers, Companion Life (also doing business under Total Dental Administrators) and Kansas City Life,...

Metabolic Diseases Significantly Alter Oral Bacteria

Metabolic diseases—characterized by high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and obesity—increase salivary glucose, alter...

Consensus Reached on Diabetes-Periodontitis Links

The 15 international specialists who gathered at the Perio-Diabetes Workshop in Madrid on February...

Periodontitis Linked to Greater Ischemic Stroke Risks

Adults with periodontal disease may be at greater risk for ischemic stroke, according to...

Estrogen Therapy Reduces Periodontitis for Postmenopausal Women

Estrogen therapy helps women in menopause reduce hot flashes, improve heart health and bone...

Northern Lichen May Fight Caries and Gum Disease

Researchers from Université Laval have isolated 6 compounds with antibacterial properties that may potentially...

How Fast Food Impacts Your Patients’ Oral Health

Fast food has become a staple of modern eating. When your patients have a...

New Standards Guide Oral Care in UK Nursing Homes

The residents of nursing homes and other assisted living facilities that provide long-term care...

Common Bacterium Triggers Both Periodontitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

A bacterium that causes chronic inflammatory gum infections also triggers the inflammatory autoimmune response...

Vaccine Could Inhibit Periodontitis

A vaccine that could reduce or eliminate the need for surgery and antibiotics for...