gum disease

Advertising Influences E-cigarette Use Among Youth

Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man are long gone, but tobacco advertising still has...

Buffalo Research Center to Examine the Oral Microbiome

The University of Buffalo (UB) will establish a research center focused on the human...

University Plans $15.5 Million Research Center for Oral-Systemic Health

Efforts to connect oral health to improved overall systemic health are ramping up around...

Silicon Nitride Kills Bacteria That Causes Gum Disease

Porphyromonas gingivalis causes gum disease, putting nearly half of all Americans at risk of...

Tooth Loss Associated With Reduced Cognitive Function

As the numbers of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disabilities increase, scientists...

Gum Disease Linked to Cancer Increase Among Nonsmokers

Periodontitis has been linked with cancers that also are associated with smoking, even among...

More Evidence Links Alzheimer’s to Periodontitis

Researchers at the University of Southampton and King’s College London have found a link...

Protein Inhibitor Reduces Chronic Periodontitis

Dentists typically treat periodontitis with dental scaling and root planing to reduce plaque and...

Oral Bacteria Linked to Esophageal Cancer

Porphyromonas gingivalis, the bacteria responsible for gum disease, is present in 61% of patients...

Periodontitis Linked to Higher Kidney Disease Mortality

Patients with chronic kidney disease and periodontitis have a higher mortality rate than patients...