
Shark Teeth as Hard as Human Teeth

Shark teeth and human teeth are quite similar, according to a new study. A...

Researchers Analyze Fish to See Why Humans Can’t Replace Teeth

The pufferfish provides researchers with plenty of information about human teeth. Research shows that...

Sports Stats Show Why Lefties are Rare

Cooperation favors same-handedness—for sharing the same tools, for example. Left-handed people are relatively rare...

Fasting for Lent Forces Hyenas to Change Diet

Ecologists have discovered these changes in human diet have a dramatic impact on the...

Dawn of Social Networks: Ancestors May Have Formed Ties Based On Shared Attributes

The study’s findings describe elements of social network structures that may have been present...

Do Our Medicines Boost Pathogens?

With some exaggeration: medical practice helped in developing a superbug Scientists of the Institute...

Orthodontic Issues May Stem From Diet

The soft modern diet may be the culprit regarding orthodontic problems. The jaws of...

Jet Lagged? Time to Reset That Inner Clock

Identifying the structure of dCRY is a starting point to understand the function and...

Jawbone Discovered in England is First Human in Europe

An international team of scientists recently made a discovery that’s significant to the history...

Vaccine May Prevent Dental Caries

It’s possible an anticaries DNA vaccine may eventually exist that has the ability to...