Offers Tips for Avoiding Sports-Related Dental Injuries This Summer
As summer gets underway and kids get more active, including sports, is encouraging parents to take steps to protect their children from.
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As summer gets underway and kids get more active, including sports, is encouraging parents to take steps to protect their children from.
As domestic abuse incidents increase during the pandemic, dentists can take the lead in identifying possible victims and help them get the help.
Head injuries involving hoverboards are more severe among adults, according to a multi-institution team of researchers, who recommend helmet use to prevent these.
Poor oral health can take a toll on relationships, according to surveys by DentaVox, with 69% of their 1,900 respondents saying that certain.
Extended use of personal protective equipment (PPE) like face visors, goggles, and respiratory equipment can cause friction and shear injuries like skin tears,.
Skull fractures are the most common type of head and facial fracture among skateboarding injuries in the emergency department, and increased helmet use.
Injuries involving motorized scooters result in more than triple the hospital admission rate of injuries involving nonmotorized scooters and may present a public.
Researchers at the University of Calgary have found that mouthguards reduce the risk of concussion in ice hockey.
Children are twice as likely as adults to experience a dog bite in the eye area, and public health measures should warn against.
When a child sits in your chair, you expect to fix a cavity, not to see signs of abuse. But every year, more than.