Adolescents with Bruxism May Be Victims of Bullying
Today’s public schools are required by law to have anti-bullying policies in place, while faculties are trained to watch out for signs of.
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Today’s public schools are required by law to have anti-bullying policies in place, while faculties are trained to watch out for signs of.
The lineages of chimpanzees and human beings may have split several hundred thousand years earlier than previously thought and in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Mouthguards do more than protect an athlete’s teeth during the heat of competition. They also may improve performance and guard against other injuries,.
Researchers led by Columbia University have engineered living bone tissue to repair bone loss in the jaw. So far, they have grafted customized.
Researchers led by Columbia University have engineered living bone tissue to repair bone loss in the jaw. So far, they have grafted customized.
Surgeons at the University of Washington (UW) used 3-D computerized design and implant-bone integration technology to rebuild an upper jaw and hard palate.
When surgeons need to replace bone in the head or face, they typically remove and then shape part of the patient’s fibula to.
In 2008, scientists recovered the skull of an Australopithecus sediba. This diminutive pre-human species that lived in southern Africa about 2 million years.
Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOTs) are benign. But these locally aggressive cyst-like tumors that usually occur in the mandible tend to invade adjacent tissues.
When tumors emerge in the jaw, surgeons typically implement a fibula free flap. They replace the section of jawbone and soft tissue where.